Channel: Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy

An Immigration Policy Solution

  • Immigration Reform
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Latinos and the GOP
  • anti-immigration
  • Arizona SB 1070
  • Russell Pearce
  • Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy
  • worker ID
  • “ID ’em and TAX ’em”

    My name is Norman E. Adams. Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy is a coalition formed to offer a “sensible” solution to our immigration problem. Americans overwhelmingly oppose deportation of nonviolent immigrants. However, they all agree we must know who is entering the country and who is here!   Read more »

    Debbie Riddle v. Norman Adams - The Great Immigration Debate

  • Immigration Reform
  • Paul Bettencourt
  • Border security
  • Norman Adams
  • Houston
  • Debbie Riddle
  • Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy
  • Greater Heights Chamber of Commerce
  • At the December meeting of the Greater Heights Area Chamber of Commerce, Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle (R-150th) and Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy Founder Norman Adams teamed up for a fascinating debate on the subject of illegal immigration. Over 400 people attended the event including elected officials, candidates, business leaders and community activists on both sides of the fence. The debate was moderated by former Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Paul Bettencourt.

    The sold out crowd was entertained and informed for the next 52 minutes as the two covered a variety of topics including border security, immigration reform, tax policy, driver's licenses for immigrants and leaky bathtubs.  One of the best things that came out of the debate was an illustration of how respectful debate by people who have many disagreements on a subject can find common ground and points upon which change can be made to move an issue forward.   Read more »

    More Than 100 Texas Business Owners Urge Republicans in Congress to Pass Immigration Reform Now

  • Fix Immigration
  • Texas
  • Norman Adams
  • Pat Kiley
  • Charles Foster
  • Immigration Reform
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy
  • Greater Houston Partnership
  • Alan Nash
  • Houston, Texas — Today several conservative and business leaders in Texas called on the Texas delegation to work toward passing meaningful immigration reform in Congress as soon as possible. Participating in today’s event were Norman Adams, Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy, Pat Kiley, CEO of Kiley Advisors and former Director of Associated General Contractors, Charles Foster of Foster law firm and Greater Houston Partnership, Darlene East, President of Holes Inc., Kevin Carroll, Gringos Mexican Kitchen franchisee, and Alan Nash attorney retired from Mitchell Energy (Republican Delegate).

    "We need Congressional legislation to fix our broken immigration system. An executive order will likely address less than 20% of undocumented immigrants. We need a modern immigration system that drives our economy rather than ignores it.”